ATAC Research
Traffic Data Collection
The Advanced Traffic Analysis Center (ATAC) has developed two systems for collecting traffic data. One system uses video detection technology while the second system uses radar technologies.
Traffic Data Collection System
The Traffic Data Collection System (TDCS) was designed and developed by the ATAC as a state-of-the-art data collection system and surveillance unit. This unit is capable of collecting detailed traffic data and can support Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applications, such as freeway incident detection. The TDCS is a tool that will allow the ATAC to perform various research benefiting our customers, from video detection applications to work zone management.
The Autoscope Wide Area Video Vehicle Detection System developed by Image Sensing Systems Inc., is the core technology behind the TDCS. Autoscope collects traffic information such as volume, speeds, queue lengths, and incident occurrences and can be readily adapted to communicate with traffic controllers.
The TDCS is a mobile unit that can be set up quickly and without disrupting traffic. It is equipped with a power source and can be deployed for up to 8 hours without the need for personnel. In addition, the TDCS can operate during day or night and in non-ideal weather conditions such as rain or snow.
Radar Traffic Collection System
The Radar Traffic Collection System (RTCS) was designed and developed by the ATAC to collect traffic data long roadways. ATAC constructed five tripod towers for performing data collection using various radar sensors. In addition, towers can be converted into a sign-mount system. Each tower includes a built-in storage compartment for the power supply (12-volt marine deep-cycle battery). The RTCS is a mobile unit that houses the towers, sensors, and batteries.
Radar sensors are relatively easy to set up and operate, and they have been shown to be among the most accurate non-intrusive vehicle detection technologies. Another benefit of radar sensors is that they can be deployed alongside the roadway, allowing them to be used in a safe environment.
Currently ATAC has five Wavetronix SmartSensor 105, one Wavetronix SmartSensor HD 125, and one Remote Traffic Microwave Sensor (RTMS) radar sensors. These sensors can collect roadway volume, speed, and classification.