ATAC Software Solutions
Autoscope Intersection Volume Reader
Note: the software download available below is no longer supported by ATAC.
In addition to vehicle detection, Autoscope Systems allow users to gather numerous types of traffic data, such as approach and turning movement volume. The Autoscope Intersection Volume Reader program was developed by ATAC to process turning movement volumes and display the information in an organized manner for traffic operation and transportation planning analyses. The tool was designed in JAVA to be used with Autoscope Solo Pro software (Network Browser) and provides a summary sheet with daily averages in 15-minute intervals for approach turning movement and intersection volumes.
Documentation explains how to use the tool for processing and storing the Autoscope volume data. Documentation is also provided for assisting with the Autoscope setup for collecting volume data (detector configuration and naming, detector polling configuration, and downloading data).
For more information about Autoscope Intersection Volume Reader, download the user's guide. (PDF, 863K)

Released: Sept. 15, 2007
DISCLAIMER: The Advanced Traffic Analysis Center, UGPTI, and NDSU are not responsible or liable for the accuracy of this software and disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. Such software is provided on an as is basis.